Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ALERT! Liberia's Plans to Resume Industrial Primary Rainforest Logging

Notorious illegal loggers Samling of Malaysia; who have devastated rainforests globally including those of the Penan, are about to begin destroying Liberia's rainforests. The tropical timer logging industry remains corrupt, and there is no evidence first time industrial logging of primary forests is ever ecologically sustainable or reduces poverty.
Please call upon Liberian President to pursue development based upon standing rainforests, and reject entirely the resumption of industrial logging.

Please visit Rainforest Rescue's web page and participate at:

Oil giants destroy rainforests to make palm oil diesel for motorists

Fuel companies are accelerating the destruction of rainforest by secretly adding palm oil to diesel that is sold to millions of British motorists.Twelve oil companies supplied a total of 123 million litres of palm oil to filling stations in the year to April, according to official figures obtained by The Times. Click here to read more

Please send letters in response to the first article, to letters@thetimes.co.uk. Letters should include an address and daytime telephone number.